Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wedding Colors - Fall and Winter 2009

As we come out of the Spring and Summer Wedding season we start to look ahead to the 2009 Fall and Winter wedding season.

It is important to plan ahead and decide on your colors and themes. Suppliers of wedding accessories sell out quickly and one is left having to settle for their second choice. This is your day why settle for second best.

Looking ahead here is a guide of this Fall and Winters Wedding Colors.
Burnt Orange is a very popular Fall color. Orange co-ordinates well with shades of
Red and Burgundy, Green, Blue, Taupe and Plum.

Winter colors for 2009 are shades of Red and Burgandy accented with Silver, Cream and Gold.

Remember not to try and match your groom and groomsmen to the bride and bridesmaids. Co-ordinate the colors. Your wedding planner will be able to advise you on what colors will work best with each other.

Good luck and Enjoy!

Disclaimer: are not wedding consultants and everything in our blogs our own opinions based on our research. We suggest if you are looking for expert advice to contact a professional wedding consultant .

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